Monitor Obesity in Your Pets

Excessive weight gain can cause several different health problems for you—the same goes for your pets. While your furry family member loves when you shower them with numerous treats, share table scraps, and give them an extra scoop of food, their weight can cause damage to their organs, joints and bones if it’s exceeding their average size. Below, your veterinarian in Martinsville and Rocky Mount discusses what to look for in an overweight pet and the dangers of these extra pounds your pet can put on.


Think about the way adding on extra weight can do to certain body types. This can make you feel sluggish and easily exhausted, especially if the weight is put on by foods that aren’t necessarily nutritional for your body. If things like fast food are bad for your body, they’re even worse for your pet, so we highly urge pet owners to stick to food that’s specifically made for them. An animal’s digestive system is much more sensitive than a human’s, so be sure to limit your pet to their pet food.


Don’t hesitate to ask us about the amount of food your pet should be eating. Every breed of dog and cat are unique and have different needs, so the only way to know what’s right is to ask a professional!


According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, more than 45% of dogs and 58% of cats can be classified as overweight or obese. There’s the unfortunate trend of seeing overweight pets as “cute,” despite the stress that it adds to their bodies. Because of excess weight, your pet can suffer from:


· Heal intolerance

· Diabetes or insulin resistance

· Decreased stamina

· Lowered immune system function

· Respiratory issues

· And more


One of the most important tips that we can give to pet owners is to avoid sharing your food with your pet. As much as they may beg or give you their cutest face, just remember that you’re keeping them from this food for their health. If you want your pet to live a long and healthy life, make sure their diet is in order.


We also urge you to ask us any questions that you may have about your pet’s diet and exercise and how your veterinarian in Martinsville and Rocky Mount can help ensure your furry friend has a long and healthy life.